Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
We greatly enjoyed this ballooncar assignment.
Now we're done the car, it's time for the report; we're gonna do 150% better on our report, to make up for race day . But overall, We think we did the best we can do, compromising our ideas together to make the most decent XPLOSION ballon car :) :)
To summarize the race:
Trial ONE - I blew the ballooncar, hoping that it would reach the 3 metre mark. Mr.P says "GO" ... FAIL ! My hand got caught inbetween ... well with the ballooncar. SOOO then again, I had to blow into the car, ... here goes nothing. After, Mr.P repeats himself, and our car MOVES ... NOT ONLY WAS OUR CAR MOVING, IT WAS TRAVELLING IN A STRAIGHT LINE, and, it reached the 3 metre mark ! We were so happy ! =)
Trial TWO: Before this trial, we attached another balloon. Reason being, the balloon had so much saliva in it ! ( I know, NASTY !). I then blew the balloon and let it go for the second trial. The ballooncar didnt even move =( But atleast we made it on the first run! Why didnt it move ? The car did not move because we attached the balloon to the car with very tight tape. This ensured the air to escape the balloon slower and with less power and air to push the car.
The End.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Materials we used :
alluminum foil->it reduced the turning of the car... a bit. This was a last minute thing, I could not find anything else to add to the car =(.
knex wheels->the best wheels we could find, plus the weight wasnt so bad =)
BBQ sticks->We wanted to be original =) Its light, and easy to work with
bristle board. WHY? For decoration.
straw-> it let the air esacpe the balloon slower, enabling it to move the car.
rubberband-> to attach the balloon to the straw
gluegun/glue/tape -> Obvious reasons :P
balloon-> used for the "gas" of the car. ( the air escaping the ballon car)

X-PLOSION BALLONCAR ! We fixed our car, and now it goes in a straight line ... (most of the time, still not perfect, but we tried our best =) ) !! YAY.Tomorrow is race day, and we hope our car does well !